Friday, March 14, 2008

"Ki Ho'Alu: That's Slack Key Guitar," On PBS

Wow i hope you guys caught the special on was so vintage it brought you back in time....Sonny Chillingworth did this unreal thing with a Sewing Needle and thread...he played as it bounced on the strings....too was cool to See uncle Ray rip em too....

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Thinking back.....

Wow it is amazing how far we have come....i still think back to our first song....Twinkle Twinkle... not knowing "what is this instrument with four strings?"  What can it do? How? What? Why?

Some sheet music

Robert and i are taking a basic strumming class with Naomi Campbell at Kahala Rec Center on Wednesdays... she said we could use some her sheet music for our outing on March 31st, @ McCoy perhaps we can take some votes on some sheet music.  Please hit me back with some comments....go in anoymous  in the coments section that way you don't have to sign up....I will put up some more soon....